Saturday, February 7, 2009

Botanical Medicines or Baking and Entertaining with Victoria

Botanical Medicines

Author: O N Oeric

This informative book provides up-to-date information on thirty-four of the most popular dietary supplements used in North America and Europe. Each entry includes the supplement's history and its traditional uses, botanical information, therapeutic applications, the results of studies, and more. The book also discusses recommended dosage, safety profiles, side effects, contraindications, drug interactions, safety recommendations during pregnancy and lactation, and other special precautions that users should - and may not - be aware of.

Doody Review Services

Reviewer: Maria G. Tanzi, Pharm.D. (University of Illinois at Chicago College of Pharmacy)
Description: This is a tertiary reference with extensive coverage on 34 of the most commonly used herbal products. A monograph is presented on each herb, which covers topics ranging from efficacy in a multitude of clinical conditions to a variety of safety concerns. This second edition expands upon the herbal information originally published in 1998.
Purpose: The purpose is to provide information on the most common herbs currently consumed by the general public. The book is intended to educate people on the proper use of herbs. Additionally, it serves as a valuable source of herbal information and adds to the knowledge base of healthcare professionals, aiding them in recommending safe and effective herbal therapy.
Audience: The book is written for all types of healthcare professionals, i.e. physicians, pharmacists, nurses, etc. It can also be a useful reference for informed consumers who seek extensive information on herbal products. The authors of the text have experience in the field of natural medicines, thereby making them credible authorities on the subject matter at hand.
Features: Each of the 34 individual herb monographs covers scientific name, family name, common name, historical perspective, traditional uses, therapeutic applications, clinical studies, recommended doses, safety concerns, contraindications, drug-interactions, pregnancy, and lactation. Each monograph is well referenced, which allows the reader to easily access more information. The book also contains two appendixes that review the quality of herbal supplements and the key points to the 1994 Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA).
Assessment: This is a valuable addition to the herbal literature. Consumers and healthcare professionals will benefit from the comprehensive information presented in this resource.


5 Stars! from Doody

Book review: Return of the Rishi or Eating Disorders in Athletes

Baking and Entertaining with Victoria

Author: Victoria L Cooksey

Baking and Entertaining with Victoria is a cookbook that offers unique and creative recipes born of real experiences. The author gives the reader a sense of her own love of cooking, while the recipe presentation makes cooking and baking delicious foods accessible to everyone. This cookbook is a rare meeting of the real world cook and the gourmet chef.

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